Spider Ring in 925 Silver and Topaz
Spider Ring in 925 Silver and Topaz
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The spider is an ancient symbol of creation, creativity and hard work.
In ancient Indian tradition they allegorically called him Brahma - the creator of all things - the spider that spins the web of the world. On the one hand, the spider as a defender of the people, a wonderful savior , protector of the hearth. On the other hand, it is associated with cruelty, greed, betrayal. The positive value of spiders was reflected in spider myths , which taught people the craft and art of weaving .
According to legend, the spider saved David, Jesus Christ, the Prophet Muhammad from enemies.
The motif of the cobwebs is widely diffused and represents a principle of safeguard, they take the hero to a dangerous place, help him to ascend to heaven , and then make him descend in a safe way. The spider has been used extensively in black and white magic . Amulets and pendants with spider symbols cause the wearer to interfere in the life of dark forces.
Nowadays, the spider is an unequivocal symbol of phobias, however, thanks to its ability to weave a web, it represents the complexity of life and destiny . Since the web runs from the center and spreads out from the spider's mouth, it is considered a symbol of the sun and the creation of life in some cultures . Due to the complexity of the web, and its similarities to a Celtic labyrinth, the web represents obstacles that must be overcome by man. In ancient Egypt and ancient Greece the spider web also symbolized fate, in Hinduism - the cosmic order, the spider was considered as the center or by the ancient Maya - the illusion of weaving, in Oceania, and in certain tribes of America, the spider was revered as the creator of the Universe , Aboriginal Australians revered the large spider as a solar hero, and in some African and North American tribes the spider was believed to be a deceiver. In Christianity, the web is the symbolic expression of the fragility and transience of human life, and the sticky web represents the devil's trap for those who lose control and identify the spider with Satan and evil. The twisting of the spider in the web, when it destroys the powerless victim, identifies itself with the terrible Great Mother, who creates and destroys. In Christianity, the spider represents the miser who sucks his prey drop by drop. The Japanese believe that female spiders represent the trap for travellers, the bad spider is a dangerous werewolf. Despite all the unflattering qualities attributed to the spider, killing it is believed to bring bad luck. Only the ancient Romans revered the spider as a talisman of luck and prosperity.
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