Our projects

WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS ... BUT ONLY ONE HEART. The first project was born with the specific aim of supporting the work of many men and women, often volunteers, in the cause of cleaning the ocean waters from plastic, glass and other waste. Become part of this movement, become a guardian angel of the planet. The first project of the series was born with the specific objective of supporting the work of many men and women, often volunteers, in the cause of cleaning the ocean waters from plastic, glass and other waste. Large quantities of waste and pollutants are thrown into the oceans every year. Many of these substances did not even exist fifty years ago. The pollution of the oceans, in particular of coastal waters, is due to both terrestrial and marine activities. Fertilisers and pesticides used on farms, industrial waste and nuclear waste, exhaust gases emitted along the roads, waste water and waste pour into waterways and end up in the ocean.Atmospheric emissions from industries and transport are another significant source of pollution that comes from the earth. Once emitted, many chemical compounds (copper, nickel, mercury, cadmium, lead, zinc and synthetic organic compounds) remain in the air for weeks, if not longer. With the winds they move and fall back into the oceans. All these pollutants and wastes are then redistributed on the surface of the globe by the currents of the seas. Marine activities such as the extraction of fossil fuels, transport (including travel by cruise ships) and fishing discharge large quantities of toxic substances into the ocean.Noise pollution, which profoundly disturbs the behaviour of some animal species such as large marine mammals, is another issue that is becoming increasingly serious. Oil pollution caused by naval collisions or stranded ships has been a relevant international problem for a long time, to which those of hazardous and harmful substances have recently been added. Once they have flowed into the marine environment, many pollutants, of terrestrial or marine origin, accumulate in the food chain and seriously threaten ecosystems, both coastal and deep-sea ones. Plastic leftovers accumulate in terrestrial and marine environments around the world, slowly decomposing into small toxic pieces that can be consumed by living things at all levels of the food chain. Many animals, including marine mammals, birds, fish, and turtles, happen to trade plastics for food. Sea turtles, in particular, confuse floating bags with jellyfish, one of their favorite foods. A five-year study of the seas in the North Sea region revealed that 95% of these reptiles contain plastic in their stomachs. Humans use hundreds of billions of bags each year (100 billion in the United States alone, according to the World Watch Institute). Only a small percentage of it is recycled, while most are only needed for a few moments (most of the time only for the short ride from the store to home). In nature, however, they survive for thousands of years. Accumulated with other waste, they can form gigantic expanses, real floating dumps. The most famous, known as the Trash Vortex, is larger than Texas. It is a huge trash can generated by the sea currents between Hawaii and the North Pacific. Its sad fame has made it a tourist destination. According to the UNPP report, “disposable plastic bags suffocate marine life and should be banned or eliminated as soon as possible. It is simply impossible to justify its production ».