Chameleon Earrings in 925 Silver
Chameleon Earrings in 925 Silver
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Handmade silver earrings.
Symbolists speak of the chameleon from the perspective of its physical functions and the ability of this animal to change color. This is why they associate it with an emblematic meaning related to aspects such as versatility, inconstancy and falsity. For some African tribes the chameleon is a sacred animal, as it is part of the attributes of which the supreme deity is constituted.
Since it often dwells in the branches of trees and is therefore very close to the sun, it is considered a solar animal.
The chameleon suggests adapting to the various situations that arise to acquire all the information we need to take action. The chameleon expresses the need to blend in, to remain in the shadows, and then strike when you are really sure.
The chameleon is a scaly reptile that is part of the suborder of saurians , the same to which the lizard also belongs. It looks like a lizard with a crest, a kind of curious and very eccentric dragon. His 'undulatory' gait, his enigmatic expression, his prehensile tail, his very long and infallible tongue in his grip and above all his extraordinary ability to blend in, make this little guy an absolute wonder of nature.
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