Amber, while having no mineral properties or origin, is considered a gem or precious stone by jewelry specialists. The formation of this stone is due to the fossilization of an oleoresin secreted by conifers millions of years ago. We can say that amber belongs to the family of gems called organic gems such as corals, mother of pearl, pearls, ivory, etc ...
As a stone formed from plant resin, amber is made up of amorphous organic minerals. The stone is very brittle and has a hardness of 2 to 2.5 on the Mohs scale. Its low density of 1.05-1.10 explains the fact that it floats in salt water, as is the case with amber from the Baltic Sea.
Amber can be transparent or translucent or even opaque. Its luster is resinous to oily and takes on a fairly wide range of colors ranging from blue, yellow, orange, brown, green and blue to brown-black.
The most notable amber deposits are found in several European countries, including Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Ukraine, the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Poland, or in the Dominican Republic and Mexico ...
History of amber
Etymologically, the word amber derives from the Arabic anbar, which means ambergris, highly appreciated in perfumery and is a substance produced in the intestine of the sperm whale. Among the ancient Greeks amber was called elektron, which is the origin of the word electricity in reference to the electrostatic properties of amber discovered at the time by Thales.
Some archaeological discoveries suggest that amber has been known since prehistoric times, mainly through the manufacture of jewelry and ornamental objects. The ancients had a special esteem for amber. It was present in the Egyptian and Mycenaean tombs.
For the Romans it was the stone of eternal youth. This belief is certainly due to the conservation powers of insects and animals trapped in amber. Roman women seemed to believe that wearing an amber stone would preserve their youth.
For the Slavs, the stone represented petrified tears of the gods. For the Greeks, Ovid, the ancient poet, tells the tragic story of the daughters of Helios who turned into alders and poplars and whose tears turned into amber stones.
Today amber is widely used in jewelry. The success of the stone often makes it subject to counterfeits.
Virtue of amber
Amber has been used medicinally since the dawn of time. Today, lithotherapy uses amber to relieve various types of pain ranging from migraines to toothaches, dental anger, light burns and drops.
Amber is also said to have benefits in relieving certain skin conditions such as acne, boils, eczema, abscesses, etc ... Some talk about the merits of amber for relieving angina and throat conditions and inflammation of the larynx and tonsils. The stone would also have benefits in stimulating and strengthening the immune system, fighting allergies, and promoting healing of wounds and sores.
On the psychic level, the warm characteristic of amber would help the wearer to forget his anxieties and fears to promote serenity, determination and self-confidence to achieve his goals in life.
Amber is also considered a stone that promotes patience and wisdom. The solar dimension of amber makes it an energizing stone and a bulwark against depression and negativity.
On a karmic level, the love chakras of amber are the heart chakra. Applying an amber stone to the solar plexus would help depressed people to overcome their negative states. Applied to the throat chakra, the calculus has a preventive and curative effect against colds, angina, flu, etc.
Amber purification is done with running water or by placing the stone in a bowl of water overnight. Being a fragile stone, it is necessary to avoid the use of chemicals such as solvents and alcohol, which strongly damage amber. Amber does not need to be recharged, so avoid exposing it to the sun.